Hi Lubomyr, that was me. it say "Corruption test" on it. trying to see whether there is a corrupt postal worker in between who would consider stealing cash.cheersRobin www.robinism.us
Hi Robin,This is a very cool idea, I'm glad that the "test" came to me. :) I will try to send some of my art in return!
© Любомир Тимків.
© Lubomyr Tymkiv.
Hi Lubomyr,
ВідповістиВидалитиthat was me. it say "Corruption test" on it. trying to see whether there is a corrupt postal worker in between who would consider stealing cash.
Hi Robin,
ВідповістиВидалитиThis is a very cool idea, I'm glad that the "test" came to me. :) I will try to send some of my art in return!